•  Lessons from the 7.3 Richter Earthquake of Sar-e pol-e Zahāb region, 12Nov2017 and 5Dec2017, cooperation with the Iranian Hazardology Association.
  • Land degradation and desertification, 5Jan2017.
  • Adaptation to the climate change in the country,2018.01.02
  • Specialtymeeting of cooperation of geoscience in the sixth development plan,2017.09.17
  • The first urban tourism conference in cooperation with the municipality of Tehran.May2017
  • The first conference on capabilities of geography science in the development plan, 7,8Oct 1997.
  • Holding the seventh Iranian geographic congress, March, 1991
  • Commemoratingand reviewing the thoughts of the Dr. Hossein Shokouei, 01 Nov 2006, ShahidMotahari Hall of TarbiatModares University.
  • Commemorating and reviewing the thoughts of the Dr. Hossein Shokouei, 24 Dec 2007, AllamehAminihall of Tehran University.
  • The second national conference on rural development in Iran in cooperation with the Iranian rural development institute, 2008 Jan 1,2, AllamehAminihall of Tehran University.
  • The Third International Conference on integrated Crisis Management in Natural Disasters, 2008 Feb 18,19, Ferdowsi Hall and ShahidAvini Hall, Tehran University.
  • Collaborate on holding the first scientific conference on passive defense, 2008 Jul 12,13, AllamehAmini Hall, Tehran University.
  • Holding the National Student Conference of Geography, in several years,2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, AllamehAmini Hall, Tehran University.
  • The first scientific conference on spatial information and integrated urban management in cooperation with the Geographic Information Center of Tehran(Tehran municipality), 2008 Nov 04 ,AllamehAmini Hall, Tehran University.
  • Holding the 4th International Conference on integrated Crisis Management in Natural Disasters, Mar2009 ,Razi Conference Hall, University of Medical Sciences.
  • FirstIranian conference on geographical science, 2014. Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran